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It is fun because you're meeting new people

There is something unearthly magical about having a pair of limited-edition, rare or highly sought-after sneakers. It comes the minute you crack open the lid on the quality-crafted shoebox, peel back the uncrinkled tissue paper and lay your eyes on your brand new kicks (don't even get me started on...
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The insoles helped a little, but one other issue quickly arose

The lowest price sneakers may not be the best deal. Together with many thrifty shoppers, I tend to seek out the lowest prices on almost everything. Generally, this is a smart way to shop and lots of great offers can be found, especially on clearance racks and also at end-of-season sales. But, we...
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These were the sneakers that got trashed in the press

When GPS sneakers were first introduced in 2007 there is a lot of public scoffing. Who needs GPS devices on their feet? What an impractical product--dumbest idea of the entire year! It's now 2011; are we ready for them yet? The concept for GPS sneakers first came to Isaac Daniels in 2002 when he...
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Long term care facilities generally provide this particular service

Some seniors come with an advantage we're all dreaming about.  Retired, living in a paid off home hypervenom pas cher. They live and eat their own schedule, own rules. No longer having a boss to work under, with a 9-5 routine. Waking in a variable time, relaxing and eating breakfast in a...
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